The European Agreement Concerning The International Carriage Of Dangerous Goods By Road (Adr)

(7) The above amendments address uniform technical standards or technical requirements to ensure safe and efficient transport of dangerous goods, taking into account scientific and technical advances in this sector and the development of new substances and objects that pose a risk during their transport. The development of the transport of dangerous goods on inland and inland waterways, both within the Union and between the Union and its neighbours, is a key element of the common transport policy and ensures that all industries that produce or use products classified as dangerous by ADR and DNA function properly. Article 218, paragraph 9, of the EUTC applies regardless of whether the Union is a member of the institution or a party to the agreement. – the conditions set out in Appendix B, including the construction, equipment and operation of the vehicle carrying the goods concerned. The written instructions contain 4 pages common to all dangerous goods, as well as an optional section specific to the product being transported. The appendix of this proposal contains a detailed list of proposed amendments that specify that they can be accepted by the Eu. Given technological advances, the proposed changes are considered appropriate for the safe transportation of dangerous goods, given technological advances, and can therefore be supported. The proposed amendments are intended to ensure the safety of the transportation of dangerous goods by reducing the inherent dangers of dangerous goods. The European Union is not a contracting party to ADR and DNA.

However, the fact that the Union does not participate in an international agreement does not prevent it from exercising its jurisdiction by acting through its bodies on behalf of the body created by this agreement, (see Germany/Council, C-399/12 (OIV), item 52 and the aforementioned case law. – the conditions set out in Schedule A for the goods concerned, including their packaging and labelling, and they are required to register as waste promoters in order to transport certain types of hazardous waste. The agreement itself is short and simple. The second article is the second, which states that, In addition to certain excessively dangerous goods, other dangerous goods can also be transported in standard-tested road vehicles: the development of the transport of dangerous goods by road and inland waterways, both within the Union and between the Union and neighbouring countries, is a key element of the Common European Transport Policy and ensures the proper functioning of all industries that manufacture or use goods considered dangerous.