Adjective Agreement Lesson Plan

Adjectives are the perfect introduction, both for you and your students, for really fun grammar classes. seriously. Adjectives are what spice up language. They give this extra taste and can allow the intercom to express romanticism and drama, color and intensity, personality and passion. When it comes to describing someone or anything, anywhere and anytime, it`s all about adjectives. They can also give them adjectives and ask them to stand up if the adjective has a spelling change, if it is changed from singular to plural. For example: feliz ⇒ felices (happy) has a spelling change, so they should get up if you say “feliz”. If they then hear adjectives that don`t have a spelling change in the plural form, you could have them perform another action, such as clapping or lifting hands. An example is independent (independent) ⇒ where you add only one -s to create the plural form without the spelling being changed. Another excellent variant is to have two audio samples that have similar but different information, like two radio stations on the same news story. For example, here you have some links from some news in which the main topic is a famous building in Mexico City (example 1, example 2).

One report has more adjectives than the other, but can your students say why? Which adjectives are included only in one, but not in the other? What distinguishes the two stories? Ask them to discuss how different adjectives can convey a different tone, attitude or meaning. You can even ask them to make a third information report on the same building, but with different adjectives. What kind of story should that be? What are the adjectives that are appropriate for news reporting and what are the most appropriate for a casual podcast? It can be a team activity. You can find more and more fun audios with topics related to the ones you teach. Example of time. Rattle off some random adjectives to your class. When you say a male adjective, men get up. If you say a female adjective, the students do it. Then you have adjectives that can be both masculine and feminine, as intelligently (smart), so everyone has to get up. The teaching of French adjectives is a really important part of the work of a French teacher.

From the beginning, learning the adjective agreement places students to better develop concepts such as participatory agreement made using past beings or direct objects. You will understand the importance of sex.